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You’re in the right place for inspiration, information on starting or growing your handmade business, and must-read tips on making money while doing what you love.

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Mindset and Productivity

These four skills are the only ones you need to build a six-figure online store and beyond, whether you’re selling your art or your own physical products.

I’ve been in business since 2006 and I run four of them that make over a million dollars every year.

It hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t.

So if I can do it, you can absolutely learn these skills yourself.

When my business struggled to take off or during the times I came close …

So many businesses have closed down this year.

Just today, I saw two small businesses throw in the towel.

It’s scary and it’s sad.

Closing down a business marks the end of such a beautiful era.

Perhaps you’ve felt the weight of these struggles yourself.

Sales have been really hard lately, so I won’t blame you if you’ve thought about quitting at least once.

I understand where you’re coming from.

So, in this blog post, I’m not here to tell you to just keep going, no matter

There is no perfect business out there. 

I’ve been in business for 16 years now, made millions of dollars selling my products and services, and even after all this time, I’ve still got so much work to do. 

In this post, I want to share with you some key parts of my jewelry business, Tiny Hands, that were broken and how I fixed those issues to restore the business and bring it back on track.

This business now makes multiple six figures every year now in sales,

If you’re experiencing slow sales right now in your handmade business and it’s summertime as you’re reading this blog post, here’s what’s going on, why sales are slower, and what to do about it. If you’re new to business, one thing you should know is it’s a roller coaster

There’s no stable paycheck that you can expect from month to month. Some days you’ll make a lot of money; other days, it’ll be crickets.

I want you to know that this roller coaster is totally normal

Unlock a Profitable Handmade Business in Just 12 Weeks Without using Etsy or Social Media

Don’t chase success the hard way. Follow the same simple step-by-step system that I used to build multiple 6- and 7-figure online handmade businesses. Even if you hate selling, don’t have a large following, and aren’t techy.

How to get influencers, bloggers and celebrities to make your product go viral  

How to create demand for your brand and products and turn customers into raving fans

How to automate your store, reach more customers and make sales while you sleep




Secret #1

Secret #2

Secret #3