Broken Business Restoration

Unlock a Profitable Handmade Business
in Just 12 Weeks Without Using Etsy
or Social Media


This workshop is for anyone who makes and sells a handmade or physical product, including jewelry designers, artists, paper designers, bath & body product makers  and more!

What You'll Discover

The #1 mistake people make with Etsy & social media that causes shops to FLOP

 The secret to making it with your handmade shop so it's no longer just a hobby

How to make sales in your handmade shop with ease so you can finally get to 6-figures


  1. This is a great achievement. Your steps to restore the broken business are also very successful.

  2. snow rider says:

    It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed when a business isn’t going as planned, but your step-by-step approach to assessing the situation and making changes is really helpful. The emphasis on mindset and adaptability really stood out to me.

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