Are you using Facebook to promote your handmade business?
But you’re frustrated because no one’s seeing your posts.
Why should you even bother with Facebook anymore?
Well, Facebook is one of the top three social media platforms, after Whatsapp and Instgram.

Chances are, your customers are on Facebook.
You’re just not reaching them. They don’t know how to find you.
There can be several reasons why you’re not finding your customers on Facebook.
Let’s start with some of the common mistakes you might be making.
Top Three Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Facebook Page
1. You only post about your products
I’ve seen far too many dead Facebook pages that only show posts about the maker’s own products.
While it feels counter intuitive to post about anything else, no one likes to be sold to all the time.
You don’t like it and neither do your own customers.
Switch things up a little bit.
We live in a fast-paced world where internet users are developing shorter attention spans. People get bored quickly.
Post pictures from your studio. This is a great way to keep your business top of mind to your customers without being salesy.
Share posts from other people’s pages to give your fans something extra to chew on.
2. You post inconsistently
When was the last time you posted on your Facebook page?
And the time before that?
If you have to check or you can’t remember, you’ll need to rethink your strategy.
Facebook’s complicated algorithm prevents yours fans from seeing all your posts.
Because of this, you need to post multiple times daily.
You don’t have to worry about overwhelming your fans because chances are, they’re not seeing all your daily posts.
But it’s important that you have their attention frequently if you want to make sales.
This is not optional.
If you want to reach your ideal customers on Facebook and start taking advantage of everything Facebook can offer your business, you need to commit to posting 2-4 times on your Facebook page.
The moment I started doing this on my own jewelry Facebook page, my engagement multiplied by ten times and traffic and sales increased.
You will never find a popular Facebook page with a highly engaged audience that doesn’t post multiple times a day.
That’s one thing successful pages have in common.
3. You don’t think about your customer first
When you’re in business selling your handmade products, you truly are in the business of people.
The moment you can wrap your head around that, your marketing efforts will experience a shift and you’ll start to have more consistent sales.
We’ve all heard the adage: the customer is always right.
Here’s my own twist to that:
Your customer comes first.
Give value to other people before expecting anything in return.
The result is the rule of reciprocity in action. The more you give to your fans, the more they’ll think of you and will be more likely to buy from your shop.
Think about how you can serve them better.
This includes giving them amazing customer service and a great product that they love and can’t wait to tell their friends about.
When it comes to Facebook marketing, this also includes showing your fans fun and entertaining content.
The good news is you don’t have to create this content yourself.
Share with them articles, videos, photos and/or recipes you’ve found and curated from sources online.
If you sell products that are botanical themed, then you can share beautiful landscaping photos from your favorite photographers.
You can share articles and videos on tips on how to care for your garden.
Start thinking like your customer and ask yourself what they like, then start finding content to share around those topics.
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