How To Start Your Own Resin Business

Unlock a Profitable Handmade Business
in Just 12 Weeks Without Using Etsy
or Social Media


This workshop is for anyone who makes and sells a handmade or physical product, including jewelry designers, artists, paper designers, bath & body product makers  and more!

What You'll Discover

The #1 mistake people make with Etsy & social media that causes shops to FLOP

 The secret to making it with your handmade shop so it's no longer just a hobby

How to make sales in your handmade shop with ease so you can finally get to 6-figures


  1. Jenny says:

    Wow, you made this so easy to understand. I am looking forward to watching some of your youtube videos and learning more about starting my business. The tips you provided were very helpful, thank you so much!

  2. Harika says:

    Hey there! Thank you so much for such informative and crystal clear talk about resin business. This help me even more to build confidence in this way. Thankyou once again.
    Btw I would like to ask you to suggest me some good platform or store where I can buy resin moulds. Thankyou

  3. Chittu says:

    Great info in easy to digest snippets! If only all articles were like this. Keep up the good work…looking fwd to future pieces.

  4. Shannon Leigh says:

    Thanks so much for the tips!
    Just wondering if you could give me a rough estimate price to set up the business?
    I have some supplies but would like to set up completely and would like to have a rough price in mind to start off with.

    Mainly the resin, good places to bulk buy etc. Any tips / advice will be greatly appreciated. :)

  5. Shilpa Chavan says:

    Thank you so much for such an I formative article for creative business I am interested in doi g this business…would love to watch your videos.

  6. Monera says:

    Thank you so much for this article. I really appreciate it much and will put it on my mind. Thank you again for sharing your experiences and tips for the beginners like me. Have a blessed day and keep safe.

  7. Dhara says:

    Thank you so much to provide this information. I was bit worried about starting a resin business but your article seems very helpful. Thank you so much, god bless you.

  8. Terra Gallo says:

    So helpful! I’d love info on packaging your resin products once you make a sale. If you should include a disclaimer card, what the disclaimer should say, etc.

  9. thanks this was very help full for starting my resin business

  10. Akiyah resin business says:

    Hope y’all buy from me I am trying to start off my own business.

  11. Maya says:

    Wow.. you’ve made everything look so easy. I started with my resin art business around 1 yr ago, but unfortunately it didn’t end out great. Still thinking if I should go on with it or not makes me sad 😞

  12. Rajesh Kumar says:

    I want learn this art…. Plz suggest me…. Where from I learnd

  13. Saws Hub says:

    Love this! Would like to branch out my craft some time in the future, this is a great suggestion.

  14. Cindy says:

    Hi I watched the video and would like to know how to get started. The video was not moving along with the talking. So I missed a lot.

  15. Doshka Bowens says:

    Thank you so much for these tips. Now I can focus on what I like making and stock up my inventory.

  16. I am so interested to this but I don’t know anything about this

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