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I'm Mei, from Los Angeles!
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Ever spent way too long obsessing over the tiniest details in your creative business?
Is the packaging perfect?
Is my product good enough?
Will my website impress everyone who visits?
What will people think of my work?
For years, I was trapped in this endless cycle of perfectionism.
And you know what? It was exhausting. It kept me stuck, delayed my progress, and made running my business way harder than it needed to be.
But then, I made a simple mindset shift that changed everything: most of the things my perfectionist brain was overcomplicating could actually be done in 20 minutes or less.
So, if you’ve been stuck in that perfectionist loop, trust me, you’re not alone.
There’s a simple trick to breaking free and actually getting things done without the endless overthinking!
Keep reading, because this mindset shift might just change everything for you too.
Let’s be real: if you’re waiting for your work to be perfect before you put it out into the world, you might be waiting forever.
I used to be that person.
The one who would tweak, adjust, and obsess over every tiny detail, convinced that if I just made it perfect, success would follow.
But guess what? That approach got me nowhere.
What actually worked? Putting my 80% done projects out into the world and letting real feedback guide me.
That’s the game-changer.
When you launch before you feel 100% ready, you’re not settling, you’re collecting real data. You’re learning what people actually want instead of guessing in isolation.
And trust me, this approach will help you create better products, make smarter decisions, and grow way faster than perfectionism ever will.
When I first started my jewelry business, Tiny Hands, my early products were… well, let’s just say not great.
By my current standards, they were downright terrible.
Sure, they had some charm, but they definitely weren’t ready for prime time at a larger commercial scale.
I’m not being self-deprecating, I just hadn’t developed my sculpting skills yet.
I didn’t have an eye for aesthetics or attention to detail.
I hadn’t learned what separates good design from bad design.
My eye simply wasn’t trained yet.
But here’s the thing, none of that stopped me from selling.
I was proud of my work at the time, and I put it out there anyway because I didn’t know any better.
I had no clue what I was doing, but I priced my jewelry cheap, listed my pieces, and made sales here and there.
If I’d had the awareness of what makes products look professional, combined with my perfectionist tendencies, I would’ve been too terrified to launch my store.
I would’ve convinced myself my products weren’t good enough.
I would’ve been too scared to talk about my work with anyone.
But if I hadn’t started at all? I absolutely would not be where I am today.
Here’s something practical you can try if you struggle with decision-making like I did for most of my adult life.
When it comes to making choices, there’s often this fear that we might make the wrong decision.
So it takes forever to decide on anything, classic analysis paralysis.
We put so much pressure on ourselves to make the perfect, “right” decision.
You end up spending way too much time researching, watching countless YouTube videos, reading every Facebook post and Reddit thread, and even asking other people to make the decision for you.
You collect so much information that you’re completely overwhelmed and basically unable to move forward.
Your website is one area where perfectionism really loves to take hold.
I’m constantly getting messages asking what platform is best for selling creative work online.
Let me give you a simple, no-fuss solution: you can have your website up and running in just 20 minutes.
The secret? Hostinger.
But let me be real with you, is Hostinger the absolute best option out there? That depends.
Just like perfect, the best platform is totally subjective. If you’re making multiple five figures a month and need a powerhouse system, this might not be your top choice.
But if you’re just starting out and need something fast, affordable, and easy, Hostinger is hands-down one of the best options I’ve seen.
Their AI Website Builder makes the whole process ridiculously simple.
Instead of spending months trying to craft the perfect site (which, trust me, I’ve seen people do), you can have a fully functional website in just 20 minutes.
And in the early days of your business, getting your work out there is far more important than obsessing over tiny details.
Let’s be honest, building a website can feel overwhelming.
Picking a theme, setting up pages, writing product descriptions… it’s enough to make you want to put it off forever.
But with Hostinger, you could have a fully structured website in minutes.
Seeing what Hostinger’s AI Website Builder can do, I’m floored.
The first feature that blew my mind? When you create your site, you just type a few sentences about your business, and the AI Builder automatically sets up the entire structure for you.
No hunting for themes. No manually dragging and dropping sections. You’re instantly more than halfway done.
But here’s where it gets even better, their Multiple Listing Creator lets you upload a single product image, and the AI does the rest: naming the product, setting a price, and filling in the details.
Is it always perfect? No. But it gives you a starting point, which is a huge time-saver.
Instead of spending hours uploading each product one by one, you can have your entire catalog set up in minutes.
We all know writing product descriptions can be painful too, trying to sound compelling without overthinking every word.
But Hostinger’s AI does it for you, and honestly? The results are pretty good.
Even if you tweak a few details, the time and energy you save is massive.
Not a designer? No problem. Hostinger’s AI can even generate a logo for you.
It’s not going to be the most sophisticated logo in the world, but it’ll certainly be good enough to start with.
The most important thing is that there’s a level of professionalism with your website.
That breeds trust, and that’s a necessary ingredient for people to buy from you.
If you’re ready to stop overcomplicating things and finally get your website up and running with Hostinger, I’ve got a special discount code for you: CREATIVEHIVE
Start building your website here: http://hostinger.com/creativehive
Now, let’s circle back to analysis paralysis, that frustrating cycle of overthinking every little detail until you’re stuck, unable to make a move.
We’ve all been there – agonizing over the perfect website design, the right marketing strategy, or whether to invest in that business tool.
But here’s the thing: most decisions aren’t permanent, and the world won’t end if you pick the “wrong” font or color scheme.
Next time you’re stuck in decision limbo, set a timer for 20 minutes.
Spend the first 10 minutes listing pros and cons. Use the next 10 minutes to make your choice.
That’s it. No dragging it out for days (or weeks).
If it’s a small decision, you’ll probably realize it never needed that much stress to begin with.
And if it’s a bigger decision like hiring someone or investing in a program then sure, take a little more time.
I personally like to sleep on it overnight to see if I still feel the same way the next day.
Distance from the emotions of the moment can bring so much clarity.
Here’s a hard truth: avoiding a decision might feel like an escape, but it’s actually still a decision.
You’re choosing to stay in the same place instead of moving forward.
So what are other perfectionism traps that keep us stuck?
I’ve noticed several patterns over the years, both in my own business and in working with other creative entrepreneurs.
This is the trap so many of us fall into: the endless tweaking cycle.
You tell yourself that just one more adjustment will make it perfect.
But then there’s always one more thing… and suddenly, weeks (or even months) have gone by, and you still haven’t put it out there.
The game-changer for me? Accepting that things will never truly be “done.”
There is no finishing line for my website. My product line will always evolve. My marketing will always need adjusting.
The second I embraced that, I was able to move faster and take imperfect action and I got so much more done.
Here’s a classic example: overthinking your social media content.
You spend hours researching the perfect trending audio.
You tweak your caption a million times to get the hook just right.
You second-guess whether your video looks polished enough.
And in the end? You don’t even post it.
Instead, try this: Set a timer for 20 minutes. Shoot the video, write a caption about your product, and post it. Done.
The truth is, the best marketing isn’t the most polished, it’s the most authentic.
My most successful posts? They weren’t perfectly scripted or edited.
They were the ones where I just showed up as myself, spoke from the heart, and let my passion shine through.
Trends and perfect hooks might give you a small boost, but they won’t build a business.
What will? Showing up consistently. Connecting with your audience. Letting your customers see the real, imperfect, passionate person behind your brand.
Another trap I’ve seen is comparisonitis.
Comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle.
You see businesses that have been around for years and assume your first attempt needs to match their level of polish and success.
But here’s the truth: they didn’t start that way.
And here’s the real kicker, we have no idea what’s actually going on behind the scenes of those businesses.
That entrepreneur you idolize? Their personal life might be falling apart.
That business that seems effortless? They might have put in way more blood, sweat, and tears than you’re willing to.
That polished website or packaging? It probably evolved over time just like yours will.
So, cut them some slack, and more importantly, cut yourself some slack.
Here’s another thing I’ve seen myself and other makers do: overthinking our packaging.
Good packaging matters. But you know what matters more? The actual product.
So instead of obsessing over custom-printed boxes, fancy ribbons, or branded tissue paper, spend 20 minutes finding simple, cost-effective options.
A plain box, some tissue paper and a handwritten thank-you note
That’s it. That’s all you need to start.
Upgrade when your business can afford it, not before.
I wish someone had told me this before I wasted so much money on packaging that, let’s be real, most customers didn’t even care.
There’s this idea that someday you’ll just feel totally ready.
You tell yourself you’ll launch when everything is perfect, when your product line is complete, when your website is flawless, when your logo is just right.
Spoiler Alert: You’ll never feel 100% ready and waiting for that feeling is just another way perfectionism keeps you from moving forward.
We convince ourselves that perfection is the goal, that if we just tweak a little more, plan a little longer, or wait for the perfect moment, everything will finally fall into place.
But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why we get so caught up in this?
Why do we do this to ourselves? At its core, perfectionism is just fear.
It isn’t only about wanting things to be great.
It’s fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of not being good enough.
Perfectionism exists to protect us from getting hurt.
We don’t want to give anyone a reason to say our work, or worse, WE, are bad or not worthy.
It’s people-pleasing at its core.
When you strive for perfection, you’re trying to control how others perceive you.
You hide your authentic self, all the flaws, bumps, and quirks that make you YOU, so people can’t reject or hurt you.
In November of last year, my sweet dog Pepper, my soul dog, died from a terrible coyote attack.
I had this profound realization in the aftermath.
The grief I experienced triggered my perfectionism to go into hyperdrive.
The stakes suddenly felt incredibly high with everything I did, from simple things like preparing meals to more complex things like planning family vacations.
I felt like if I didn’t make things perfect, there would be no tomorrow, no second chance to make it right.
That’s scarcity thinking.
And it makes sense, right? I did lose my dog, and I’ll never get her back.
It’s completely understandable that my brain and body would react that way.
But while it’s a very real response to grief, it’s not productive or healthy when you’re trying to run a business.
Here’s the wildest thing I’ve learned: the more I embraced imperfection, the better my business performed.
Sounds counterintuitive, right?
Let me tell you about some of the many mistakes I’ve made over the years.
Sent out emails with typos in the subject line, set the wrong shipping prices, said the wrong thing in a product description.
And that one time I accidentally set shipping to Canada at $10,000. (Yep, ten thousand dollars.)
Someone still bought it!
Why? Because nobody is paying as much attention to your mistakes as you are.
People are busy. They have their own lives, their own problems, their own things to worry about.
What looks like a glaring imperfection to you? To them, it’s 100% fine.
And despite every single mistake, my business kept growing. I still made sales. I still gained customers. And I had way more fun.
The more I stopped trying to be this polished, flawless business owner, the more people actually connected with me.
Perfection can feel intimidating. But imperfection? That’s human. That’s real.
And let’s be honest, when was the last time you loved someone’s business because they were perfect?
Probably never.
But you have loved brands, creators, and entrepreneurs who were real, honest, and imperfectly themselves.
So, if you’ve been overthinking, tweaking, or delaying something because it’s not perfect yet, I want you to try this:
Here’s a hard truth I had to face: holding myself to impossible standards wasn’t a sign of high standards, it was just my ego getting in the way.
Think about it. Do we expect other people to operate at the same level of perfectionism we expect from ourselves? Nope.
So why do we hold ourselves to a different standard?
Perfectionism feels safe. It makes us believe that if we just tweak a little more, research a little longer, or refine our work one last time, then we’ll finally be ready.
But you know what actually happens?
We delay. We overthink. And sometimes, we never launch at all.
Money loves speed. Perfection is the enemy of progress.
I’ve noticed that how we approach perfectionism in business is often how we deal with imperfection in life, too.
Do you get frustrated when a flight is delayed?
Do you lose patience when a server messes up your order?
Do you find yourself nitpicking little mistakes—yours and everyone else’s?
If you’re nodding along, here’s something to consider: How we respond to imperfection in others is often how we respond to it in ourselves.
If you can see someone else’s mistake and think, “they’re just having a bad day” or “No big deal, things happen”, then you’re way more likely to extend that same grace to yourself.
But if you struggle to let go when other people make mistakes, chances are you’re holding yourself to impossible standards, too.
Here’s the thing, I don’t think we need to eliminate perfectionism completely.
In some ways, it can be a strength. High standards help us create great work, deliver quality products, and build businesses we’re proud of.
But perfectionism can also be a double-edged sword when it makes us rigid, overly self-critical, and afraid to take action.
For me, it’s all about regulating my emotions so I don’t let perfectionism take over.
When I’m calm, grounded, and in a good headspace, I can be flexible and forgiving.
But when I’m stressed? That’s when my perfectionism flares up, making me impatient, critical, and way too hard on myself.
So instead of trying to get rid of perfectionism, I focus on managing my stress, so I don’t spiral into overthinking.
Perfectionism isn’t just slowing you down, it’s keeping the world from experiencing your gifts.
It’s also stopping you from truly connecting with the right people.
Because when you show up as your real, imperfect self? You attract real customers, people who genuinely resonate with you, not some polished, filtered version of you.
Think about that one project you’ve been sitting on, waiting until it’s perfect.
Now ask yourself: What could you launch in the next 20 minutes if you let go of perfectionism just for a little while?
Remember, done is always better than perfect.
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